Mirror Mirror

ok! i found ‘my Jessica Alba’ replacement..

i thought it was Amber Heard.. but after Mirror Mirror.. i’d say




Lily Collins FOREVER!!


demn! bibir dia memang to-dream-for.. terpakse la aku tengok cerita Abduction.. walaupun aku rase cerita sampah sebab ade mamat anjing twilight tuh.. tapi setelah mengenali Lily Collins.. aku rase muvi tuh tak sampah dah. haha!

and i think its a must watch movie kot.. or not.. depends.. Mirror Mirror is Snow White.. the fairy tale that came alive.. with a bit of twist in it.. and last2 Snow White nyanyi lagu Hindustan.. best jugak weh.

About ururu5

I practice Islam, total One Piece fan.. and L'Arc-en-Ciel.. and Arsenal.. and.. im single.. I'm left-handed..

Posted on 4th April, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Wah!!..ni mesti ko handsome gile sampai nak perempuan yg lawa gile cam ni…ada pepatah mengatakan..Rich boy only marry rich girl, beautiful girl only marry handsome man..mesti ko lebih kurang dalam kategori ini kan? tapi nasib baik la ajaran Islam tak ajar cam ni kalu tak susah la idup..apa pun Thank to Allah cause His guide is the best!

  2. and bile mase aku kate aku nak dia? (well.. not that im complaining kalau betul2 dapat dia.. Alhamdulillah la kalau dapat)

  3. kan aku dh ckp..hehe..pepatah tu bukan dari hadis..sbb kalu dari ajaran agame memang x dak hadis gitu…apa la ko ni..memang le ko x kate directly but ko mention y ko dah jumpa penganti ur “Jessica Alba” kan? tp kalu ko dapat pun ..aku tumpang happy tp aku doakan ko dapat the best! k la..daaa..

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