Monthly Archives: March 2010

a future endeavor

say it the names of the numbers
a pitch that slides away
and a cook that starves

and from the day upon the night
the sky shall rapidly flow
and the colors will provide much for the bountiful feast

carnage, quintessence, brotherhood
all shall remain untrue

for when it struck the beauty of you
fall from the dependent luck
flowers will bloom from the very ruby of time
and milk will become ocean
and the moon will fire the darkness
few essences will tremble
a true essence of love
and a dignity of the forbearer

the peak shall seek harmony
the mountains shall wear its tranquility
and the ground might show some pride
for the love of a god
for the might of a will
for the trasure of the dreams

i hear it

for by the will of the sun
and from the language of the oaks
i bade thee
and i bid more
may we find what our luck shall perceive
a reality of rememberance..

when we reach it
the true epoch
prosper will have it game known
lies will find walls
and a box will contain the future of a once dying hope



what i hoped for a year had been realized.. it’s a great news indeed. and im lovin it. i was like smiling all the way home from when i got the news yesterday evening. and i did took the train to go back home yesterday. i was smiling like crazy.. sambil aku senyum.. aku melihat2 muke sensorang dalam komuter tuh.. some buat muke toye.. some returned the smile.. some were giving me the “pehal-mamat-nih-gile-ke-hape-sengih-sorang2-dari-tadi-?-perogol-ke-hape-?” face.. tapi i dont mind them.. call me anything u like. im smiling till this news wear its goodness out. hahahaha! so lepas tengok muke sensorang.. i drew out my Raymond Feist, Prince of the Blood.. and start reading.. and tho the part i read had no humour at all.. i kept on smiling. until i reached Sungai Buloh, got into my car.. and drove back home. i kept on smiling and smiling. heck! i was practically screamin’ on all the music i heard in my iPod.. hahahaha!

told mom the news..  promised her something. then go to my bedroom.. planned something for the year.. took my back-home-shower.. solat.. and relaxed for a moment before taking my mom out for dinner. during dinner they were showing P.Ramlee’s “3 Abdul”, bapok klaka.  we could watch the same old movie for a thousand time and still laugh at their jokes..  salutation to P.Ramlee and the movie production team lah kan..

which made me realized a business plan that i think off.. thats for later lah..

and i’m still smiling… even before i slept in yesterday..

well.. truth be told. i’m smiling right now while writing this entrée.. hehe X)

Movie terbaik tahun ini.. so far

How To Train Your Dragon 3D

aih! susah nak carik image2 besar kat dalam tenet kat opis nih.. abis sume mende dia nak block.. takleh tengok image tuh la.. takleh donlod tuh la.. takleh masuk website tuh la..  gamba2 yg aku berkenan pun tak dapat carik..

di sini aku urge sumorang untuk melihat dan menonton movie yang aku kategorikan sebagai movie terbaik buat masa ini. ade rase cam movie nih lagi best dari muvi Avatar ade gak.. serius best! wicked… cool.. awesome..  u name it.. it’s it..


cerita mengisarkan seorang budak Viking bername Hiccup  yg lemah tapi mahu menjadi mcm Viking2 yg len.. pekerjaan Vikings adelah mencari dan membunuh naga yg slalu duk kaco kehidupan derang. lagi teruk dia berasa malu sebab bapak dia [Stoick] ade lah ketua Viking kat village tuh [bese lah crite hero cenggini]..  tapi Hiccup tak ckup kuat utk hunt dragon, jadik bapak dia letak dia duk jadik smith ngn tukang asah pedang jek. tapi Hiccup nih suke meng’invent’ senjata2 yg tak perlukan kekuatan badan utk lawan nage.. dia buat machines lah kirenye…

vikings nih dah jumpe dan bunuh macam2 naga. tapi ade satu nage misteri yg tak penah sesape tengok ghopenye cenggane? amat laju.. amat power.. susah nak nampak.. laju… gelap.. dan menyerang pade tgh malam saje. gile camouflage lah. derang panggil Night Fury. pade satu malam nih mase nage2 menyerang penempatan dia.. Hiccup pun kuar utk cube machine terbaru dia.. dia aim kat Night Fury trus..

mesti lah! budak tuh hero crite nih kot.. dia tembak, mesti lah kene.. tapi tade org nampak.. nage tuh jatuh kat blakang bukit.

dari situ… haaahaaaaaa! baik korang gi tengok sendri.. sebab aku nulis nih time ade keje pulak.. so aku kene buat keje.. lagipun aku malas nak nulis sinopsis nih.. ade gak org tak ske.. nanti x surprise stgh org  kate.. aku pun rase crite nih patut buat surprise.. sebab ia mmg crite yg best… terbaik.. MESTI TENGOK.. kalau tak tengok.. RUGI!!!

bab lain.. hmm… trailer2 best dah kuar.. crite zaman kanak2 aku kuar balik … TRON!! yeah! TRON LEGACY dah nak kuar… yeah! crite pasal Digital Gladiator Game..  game tahap hardcore melampau2..

pastuh ade trailer tuh.. aku cam terkejut.. tetibe Russle Crowe menjerit kuar dari sungai.. aku terus sedar.. crite Robin Hood pun dah nak kuar.. hahaha!

trailer the Sorcerer’s Apprentice nice gak..

tapi mane pegi crite Season of the Witch?  abih internet nih aku carik.. kalau2 crite tuh kuar kat Malaysia…sepatutnye dah kuar  tapi tak kuar pun.. tapi aku rase ade advertisment.. ade trailer.. ade promotion dlu.. tetibe x kuar lak.. demn!

okay2.. buat keje..

P/S : oh! toothless ade ciri cam kucing.. aku nak nage cenggituuuuu….

ouh.. crite politik tetibe..

kite duk dalam negara demokrasi kan? rasenye benarkah haluan demokrasi nih?  sile bace self defined ia dalam blog Che Det untuk blog title Democracy. benarlah ape dia cakap tuh.  and assuming the the contest is fair. lol. and read all the comments. i was searching for a good comment since most of the comments from BN supporters are really stupid and meant to kiss the Tun’s ass. I searched for someone who would agree in my way to define what democracy actually is.  i’d suggest u read the one posted by Rimba Emas [in Che Det: Democracy comment post, of course].

Democracy is not fair. and there were no signs that our Prophet SAW led the Muslims with democracy. He simply took good opinions from both party and combine it. If one party simply disagreed and the other agreed.. he took actions to satisfy them both [amik tengah2 org kate]. no democracy were used. democracy were created by the Greeks. Google it and learn why the Greeks invented the democracy. they believed in their political life. “people are power” and the God[s] would not intervene on how they choose to represent the voice. but we Muslims were taught there are no power other than God Himself. and for good, we believed that only God have the only power to all. so God injected all the goodness into our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. and in turn, taught us all the goodness and on how to manage an organization. yes. this country is an organization. Kalifah2 yg memimpin selepas Rasulullah SAW pun x pakai demokrasi. the Caliph were chosen not of favoritism.. but of his abilities, skills and faith. and lelaki lah Kalifah di atas bumi. we were born with an ability; it is to be leaders.

let’s say, one country consist of 2 parties.. one,  a party of murderers and criminals [which is a majority].. and the other are simply normal common people [minority].. okay! they applied democracy, they drew votes, they vote fairly. and in the end the criminal party won the election. [i know it may not be possible.. that’s why i say “LETS SAY” in the first place] tell me which part of this is fair? the criminals gonna oppress the minority even more.. and the minority will be even minor.  until it became a dictatorship.

okay.. comparing UMNO and PAS. we know UMNO will say YES to all the night clubs.. the booze.. the ‘tak tutup aurat pun takpe asalkan kemas’.. the buildings.. the social events.. the luring media.. and we know PAS will say NO to all of that. tade pembangunan orang kate. pembangunan cam omputih la. bagi aku Kelantan tuh la negeri paling membangun. sebab beza negeri Kelantan ngn negeri2 lain. Kelantan punye hutang sikit je.. sebab duit tax sume dia buat baya utang. camnilah… let say kate kerajaan bagi Kelantan buat projek… mane nak dapat duit? dari tax la.. Kelantan baya abih kat projek tuh..  so sebab dah baya abis projek.. tahun depan dah tade projek besar… so buat ape duit tax banyak2 tuh? Kelantan subsidize keperluan harian untuk kesenangan rakyat.  korang gi Kelantan. korang tengok umah2 usang situ.. ko gi tanye penduduknye.. tak susah ke duk umah usang? derang akan kate “hidup dah lebih dari senang”. makan minum letrik air sume murah. pakcik aku keje design dinding pun umah banglo tanah seekar kat Kelantan. aku gi Kelantan air teh 40sen.. kat KL air teh 2 kali gande kot.. mmg la best kalau aku duk kelantan.. well.. “kalau aku ske sgt duk Kelantan. kenape tak gi duk Kelantan jek kan?’.. TANAK!.. aku nak Selangor berubah jadi cam Kelantan.. lagi best! baru Kelantan ade kawan.. ade geng.. nilai perjuangan Islam dapat diperkembangkan.. korang yg nak berubah dari Islam.. korang pindah la ke Amerika tuh..

kalau UMNO pulak.. keliling Malaysia nih dia bina tuh bina nih.. tapi baya setengah jek.. so ade hutang setengah lagi.. bayangkan ade 50 projek kat Malaysia nih bernilai 100 Juta.. duit tax tuh sah2 tak dapat nak baya full setiap tahun.. so hutang lah setiap tahun.. pastuh ade pulak si Khir Toyol tuh boleh pegi Disneyland satu family [alasan: nak meeting ngn director, CEO Disneyland, nak bincang2, konon nak bukak satu kat Malaysia, tapi tak jumpe pun], duk hotel 8 bintang, cuti sane sinin.. pastuh tah mane2 dia dapat gaji besar buat rumah ngalahkan istana dia tuh. rasenye duit sape lah tuh. Wallahualam. Pulangan projek2 nih mahal jugak la [kalau siap]. pastuh kalau dah siap.. mesti la ade pembangunan2 baru kat sebelah projek2 yg siap nih.. tambah la tempat clubbing ke, shopping mall ke, tempat jual arak adelah mesti <– kat sini paling senang untuk buat tax, tempat sosial pun nice.. of course la aku pun suka.. byk gile dosa aku leh buat. tade org sound. korang pun suke kan?.. boleh beromen terang2, minum arak terang2, boleh pakai seluar pendek2, boleh pakai panties jek tengok wayang,  tade org nak sound.. alah! orang lain pun buat, aku pun boleh buat la. tengok omputih tuh.. open jek.. kite pun mesti open..

open korok atuk mung!

kat sini lah yg buat aku berpuas ati ngn perjuangan PAS. demi Allah. kalau PAS menang. mungkin lah dapat aku berubah dengan lagi cepat. ini, nak berubah pun susah. well bukan la nak salahkn orang lain. dah memang iman aku lemah. pastuh ade pulak pemangkinnye. ewah! aku rase tggu 10 tahun lagi.. aku bertaubat betul betul la. well.. kalau aku x mati lagi 1 minit lepas nih.  tapi aku rase cam PAS takleh menang pun..

let say orang Melayu, org Cina and org India kat Malaysia nih.. :

orang Melayu > orang Cina > orang India

orang Melayu < orang Cina + orang India

orang Melayu mengaku Islam tapi tak Islam pun  =  orang Islam

pastuh let say, 80% org Islam sokong PAS

and we’re using Democracy as our political system. ahahahaha! show us what fairness comes from this?

Parti Keadilan? err.. aku x percaye pun derang.. isu Pakatan Rakyat aku biar leaders yg decide. watpe aku yg nak decide. derang yg nak berpolitik.

negara Islam konon! menamekan negare nih Islam ni same la cam menghina Islam.

menamakan org Melayu sebagai Islam.. menjatuhkan martabat sebenar Islam. itulah penghinaan terbesar kepada Islam dalam negara nih.

Melayu bukan Islam.  Islam bukan Melayu.. Islam adalah segalanye..

p/s: i bet Cina2 India2 yg dah berpuluh tahun duk kat Kelantan mesti vote PAS.. sebab senangnye hidup kat Kelantan..

Tali Pinggang Keledar

“Dia dikatakan hilang kawalan lalu melanggar tembok jalan dan terpelanting
keluar daripada kereta ke dalam longkang di tepi jalan,”

-this is a quote from from a very recent accident today-

nah! u can see here.. THIS is one of Malaysian tradition.. a subtle tradition adopted by most Malaysian. would the driver then [peace be to him] ‘terpelanting keluar daripada kereta’ if he’d ever fastened his seat belt? well… idk if its true he didnt fastened his seat belt.. the news didnt quote anything about any seatbelt.. but heck! secara logiknye. how can a driver drove a car.. hits the divider [i must assume he is going forward].. and get thrown out of the car?  even if the car flipped… how can one person get thrown out of a car if he had fastened his seat belt? simple lah kan.. jawapannye: dia tak pakai tali pinggang keledar.

oh.. we know the importance of seat belt.. but most Malaysian minds.. Malaysian tradition dictates.. “seat belt is a hassle”.. “accidents dont happen to us”.  and then.. NAH! u’ll get this stories/ news.

okay. idk the truth about this news .. maybe the seat belt ripped off… maybe… the fasting mechanical was faulty.. maybe something cut the belt when the accident happened. yes! and while the creator of seat belt took all the precaution, all his wits to design something for safety..  still we have some driver flying out of his car when an accident happened. i wonder why…?

I’ve had 5 accidents since i got my license 2 and half years ago.. and i wore my seatbelt all the time.. ALL the TIME, since i got my license.. its my safety.. I made a habit of preventing something horrible from happening to me. I signaled every time I changed lanes.. I signaled every time I make a corner.. I signaled 5 seconds earlier before i make my turns [5 seconds is a long long time for someone to notice].. EVERY TIME!  i made it MY HABIT. its a safety habit. and its damn well good for me. I do it everyday.. I do it always.. make a habit out of it. and it saved me from harm. I honk at people straying into my lanes. I honk at people who drives slow on the right lane. I pushed hazard lights when ever i had an emergency breaks [to inform vehicle at the back].. hazard lights were meant to signal people that u’re on total halt.. totally stopped. hazard lights will save you from getting hit from the back. if not eventually.

ekau pakai seat belt bile bapak ko duk sebelah ko je watpe? bawak2 ar pakai ari2.. if u think its a hassle to wear seatbelt.. then u dont deserved your license. ask any professional driver who drove fast car and had terrible accidents. seat belt is the most fundamental safety issues.

“tak selesa”? “malas”? “gelabah”? u’ll see when u have one thats gonna kill u slowly. kecik2 tanak mampus. dah besar menyusahkan orang. hei.. hei hei.. heheheheh!

p/s:  those 5 accidents i had.. none were my fault. NONE! and i am damn well proud of it.


o so i heard…

Hang Tuah still lives..

but not without any truth then..
now? hmm… i might re-think again.

n again.

Satan Iblis Lucifer Diablo

actually.. the devil cannot own your soul. nor can he make a pact with you saying “I will take your soul after I’ve granted your wish”. nor does he have any power to grant your wishes. you can make all the pact you want with the devil. the devil cannot fulfill your wishes. God will. the devil? No.
if you think the devil can.. then u believed the devil have the same power as God to grant you wishes. then u’ll be labeled as acknowledging the devil and become one of the Syirik. and u’ll be sent to Hell for that. and not because the devil own’s your soul.

so how can the devil grant your wishes? simple. the DEVIL PRAYED TO GOD. and i think. most of the time, the devil’s Do’a are heard and granted by God. Wallahualam. it was said that when Iblis refused to bow before Adam a.s. as God’s perfect creation and God banished the devil to hell. the devil asked something from God. and God granted the devil’s wish to take as many of Adam’s sons and daughters to hell with it before Judgement Day comes.. [if i remembered correctly]

so Satan will never be equal or superior to God. God will own your soul. not Satan or Iblis or Lucifer or Legion or Diablo or WTF hell name created by humans for it. even if you made a pact saying “Satan will own my soul after this”. hahaha! no.. no no.. only God and God only.. will have your soul. and even Satan’s soul.

for all the thick headed humans who think Satan own’s Hell and gonna own your soul if u make/made pacts with it and that Hell fire do not burn them fire creatures.. i’d say maybe u’re in for a big surprise.

oh here’s another thing.. if u had ever made a pact with the devil. and you finally regretted [i mean, really really regret it].. then God is the Most Merciful.. what more can you ask?

Moving Pictures

peh! banyak gile movie nak tengok
tapi sumeorang di urge untuk pegi tengok

Alice in Wonderland

tak tau la ngape… jalan cerita dia cam bese je.. watak2 dia cam same je.. tapi.. rase ceria.. rase best tengok muvi nih.. mungkin sebab pelakon crite nih berlakon terhebat kot…. mungkin sebab graphic dia mmg terbaik…

tapi ade byk lagi muvi tak tengok nih… Invictus, Green Zone, Season of the Witch, Shutter Island.. rasenye ade byk yg dah terlepas.. deng!

tapi takpe..

Clash of the Titans

takleh miss.. serius takleh!

sebab crite nih baru betul crite pasal Perseus.. bukan cam Percy Jackson.. crite untuk kanak2 tuh..
crite2 greek gods nih mmg menarik.. sape la mandai2 reka cipta watak2 nih… bagus untuk story telling..

hmm.. do i watch another movie today? or go n play dota?

Rib Cage Aching – Jahat?

aku jahat? yes.. maybe…
but this comes from a body that knows nothing of the true punishment that will come.
while my body live this sinful life… my brain and my heart always shouts “NO’ and “NO”. I regret to say… I am a sinner like most men that lives today. maybe only from what I had learned years ago that refrained me from falling further and further away. I thank my dad for such lesson given. while i pray not everyday for my parents. but still.. in the corner of time, I will pray for my mom and dad. I left my prayer leisurely, I led my eyes through and downwards when such a lovely women pass by. I blessed my leisure time without the need to enchant my thanks to God. yet I feel this deep fear. always. everytime I left my prayer. everytime I speak my rude tones to my mom. everytime I do more and more sins. remorsed only from my mind. not my action. I remained absolute in thinking that my enemy are the one that blessed treason to God. yet, i seek my enemy for the pleasure of this world. this body… these thoughts that surrounds me. what do i do with them.

I continued this journey for more time in the clock, for more time that I should have calculated. I hated other sinners and I blamed syaitan for it. I hated myself and I blamed syaitan for it. while i seek no way to prevent their whispers. I’ve shout the truest of the teachings and yet I didnt even flinched when I settled for my sins. a true hipocracy.

here I write. here i wrote. but this will be no reminder to me. I am getting weaker and weaker. by the time of the Earth. by the time of the coming. I wished not to perish before the fire. I wished more to come so I would have to seek a way that other straigth path finder seek. I wished to seek God Himself. yet my effort shows no more of my wishes. I wished my words were my prayer. and I wished Heaven for all that taught me the lesson to know such a limit existed and have endured the living.

aku jahat? yes… maybe…
maybe not as bad as you.. maybe not as worst of the living sinners. maybe not as bad that one could imagine how bad.
but yes… Jahat..
and like others.. the Holy Fire shall endure its true temper.. its patient.. so that one day it may burn me down like the rest of the occupants.. and my cry alone then.. and my cry alone today.. shall not make my tears as clear as when I came to this world.

“Forgive me!” is the wish of my mind.. will i find a way so that this body will find its own regrets?

a dry dream

gimme a fake expression
more than I could even imagine
shall the smile fail more of the false emotion
