Category Archives: Holiday

The Day – End it please

Chelsea was down to 10-men and Barcelona was set to conquer it all. have you seen the statistics? NAH!

Barcelona’s time of possession 83% kot.. Chelsea pulak 18% je.. tapi Chelsea boleh level the game. WTF wei?!!! boleh kata salah Messi la jugak sebab tak convert penalty tuh.. hahaha! te hell bole miss decisive goal cenggitu. hadui.

so Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri keluar Arsenal pun dapat result yg same.. no Champions League Cup.. ntah2 League cup pun tak dapat jugak. hahaha! you want to win trophies, you want to be with the best, tapi tak menang pape?! IRONY la tuh!
huhu.. tapi taktau lagi.. season belum abis. kalu season abis and tak menang pape cup.. baru aku leh kate IRONMAN.. eh.. IRONY.


hari ni aku rasa amat slow. dan tak productive. well. dah seminggu aku rasa aku tak productive. macam Sabtu lepas masa main bola friendly match lawan junior2 UTP aku (yg power). kitorang seri 2-2.. leading 2-0 then bile aku masuk 2nd half.. kitorang concede 2 goal.. dan gol2 tuh sume berpunca dari aku. demmit.
aku dah la patut main attacking midfielder. tapi aku biar ruang midfield jadi kosong sebab slalu sangat turun padang sebab nak defend skali ngn defenders. mmg salah aku. bukan tu je. setiap sentuhan bola aku tak betul lah. lembab pulak tuh. aku pun taktau la. *sigh*

so skang nih. aku cube jadi produktif sket. dgn menambah post dalam blog. wahahahaha! setelah 5 jam aku melayari internet tanpa buat kerja. haha! mentang2 la team leader aku MC. aku buat kepale. Project Manager lalu blakang aku. aku buat dek je. surf tenet suke ati. lol. ade kene buang keje aku nih kang. nih keje stil belum siap nih. adui. pastuh pening2. aku taktau la nape. takkan sebab tak lunch kot. aku bantai 3 keping roti canai yg amat besar kot pagi tadi. ckup2 la tu. kang jadi cam Faitz kang.

oh! Faitz. kawan aku. yg ada aku mention beberapa kali dalam blog nih. dapat mild heart attack last 2 weeks. dengan diabetes. WTF?! dah la ade Gout. umo tak sampai 30tahun lagi. i know… muda sangat2 dowh utk dapat sume penyakit tuh. nampaknye Encik Faitz adalah BUKTI terbaik bahawa orang muda skang pun boleh dapat penyakit orang tua. kawan aku sendiri tuh.

puncanye? hahahaaa! punca MAKAN tak edit la! dari kecik makan tak edit. MAKAN MAKAN MAKAN! tapi pelik jugak. dia takde la gemuk. aku lagi gemuk kot. aku buat test darah 3 minggu lepas. result sume OK. cume. kolesterol tinggi sket and lemak tinggi.. itu je. ok! boleh la tu. aku still boleh kontrol. and aku still bersukan. kes Faitz pulak lain. lepas dia confirm dapat Gout. physical activities dia pun terbatas. susah nak bersukan. sebab saket Gout tu la. so dia boleh kontrol makan je la kalau tanak gemuk. tapi aku dapat tau cam dia tak slalu kontrol makan dia. last2 2 penyakit baru datang. hadui. hadui. last week pulak. time dia tak baik lagi. anak sulung dia lahir. mintak2 la dia jaga diet anak dia betul2.

ini kisah benar ye. dengan nama sebenar. lol.

hmm.. alhamdulillah. aku pun dah start jage makan aku skang nih. tade la aku amik lebih2 cam mase kat skolah dulu. mase aku skolah sampai masuk universiti dulu. aku leh abiskan 2 kotak Nugget 20 McD.. nice eh? 40 ketul nugget + 2 large fries + large Ribena + Apple pie + Sundae.. aku x pernah tengok mane2 kawan aku pecahkan rekod aku nih lagi. Faitz pulak boleh habiskan 3 set BigMac dan habiskan sisa2 makanan sape yg tak habis. lol! mase aku start keje. kitorang penah beli 16 ramly burger. so each habiskan 8 burger lah. lol. inilah contoh MAKAN TAK EDIT.
tapi lepas tuh start kontrol lah. bile Gout Faitz makin teruk. aku pun kontrol skali la. tanak kene gout jugak. lol.
start tahun ni. aku dah makan berpada2. sebab tahun ni nak cube ngorat awek. lol. kawan aku sume dah kawen kot. aku je tinggal nih. jeles aku. hahahaha! so kepade awek yg aku kate nak berkenalan tuh. aku serius la nih! bukan main2. playboy pun bukan. hade ke aku yg huduh dan gemuk nih dituduh playboy? wtf? takleh terima langsung aku ngn tududan tuh. aku dating ngn mane2 awek pun tak pernah. seumur hidup aku tak penah kapel ke hape. cemane aku dituduh playboy. aku pun tak paham. so aku dah pangkah awek tuh. awek2 yg suke assume sane sini nih, tak baik utk kesihatan. lol. cis! tapi dia menepati ciri2 awek idaman aku. tinggi and curvy.. lol!

aaah! let it be. i’ll make Japan as my first priority. dapat awek Jepun pun best jugak!

oh! lagi satu. baru tadi bos aku email kata aku kene standby for support Disaster Recovery simulation test on 26th and 27th of May.. patutnye buat on 12th and 13th May.. tapi hape kene tah dia postpone pegi 26,27 Mei.. so aku dah tak boleh pegi kenduri kawen Ijad kat Penang. and i was so looking forward to go to Penang. siap dah plan nak tido sane dah. tetibe je cuti aku kene tarik cenggitu je. demmit!!!!! AKU NAK PEGI JENJALAN LAAAA!!! support DR watpe? bosan gile kot!! lagi2 kalau DR berjalan lancar.. mmg aku tak buat pape la 2 hari berturut2. just tunggu dendiam kat opis sampai simulation abis. slalunye start 10 pagi and habis 7 malam.. LAMA GILEEE!!! dah la boleh claim Meal Allowances je.. RM50 je.. demn!!!

aaah! i so need an awek right now to comfort me. lol..


nak gi tengok wayang la lepas nih

Dubai Makkah Dammam Jubail Dhahran Bahrain

cuti 2 minggu nih

aku amik gamba nih sejam lepas berlepas dari KLIA.. gile aouuuuroraaaa!!! kalau korang percaya itu aurora lah.. aahahahahahaha!

Scuba Junkie – Mabul

as usual. Friday is the best day to start a new lousy entry. i cant call my writings as articles anymore cause there are no art in it.

its been what? 4 days since Mabul? today im gonna miss futsal again. yeah. family comes first. sending my parents to KLIA tonight. derang nak balik Saudi. ceh! it sounded as if we’re actually living in Saudi. ah! nevermind that. Mabul was goddamn Awesome! if Mabul was awesome.. i cant begin to imagine how Sipadan would be like. People who visited Sipadan said Sipadan is 1000x more beautiful than Mabul. and to me Mabul and Kapalai was extremely beautiful. easily spotted 5-6 turtles at any snorkeling point around Mabul and Kapalai. I had the experience to watch a turtle just centimeters away from me. as it ascend to the surface of the ocean to take some breather. very cute. damn awesome. and saw a turtle resting place. great thing was, i snorkeled without a life jacket and every snorkeling point was at least 20 meters deep. gile ar. kalau kat Pulau Perhentian ke, Redang ke, Tioman ke. mesti guide paksa pakai life jacket. padehal dalam laut tak sampai 5 meter pun. ceh!.

at night, they put a spot light at the jetty. and u can see all kinds of life in the ocean surrounding the jetty. lion fishes, barracudas, illuminating crabs [yes.. crabs raised by the Illuminati..] .. etc etc.. and in the morning, there was literally hundreds or maybe thousands of starfishes around the shallow water. gile ar!! definitely gonna go again. terpakse ar aku amik lesen Scuba Diving nih. hmmm.. tapi lepas amik lesen Sky Diving dulu.. hehe!

bile aku dah umo 40 tahun nanti kot baru dapat sume nih. demmit! I WANT BONUSSES!!! nak duit lebih wei! demmit employer!!

anyone wants to experience good guides untuk pegi Mabul. nah.. masuk sini:
orang putih je yg datang tempat nih. selambe grup aku je melayu kat hotel derang nih. haha! yg len sume foreigner. Mabul dont have Ikan Bakar or Sotong Bakar or Kerang Bakar or wutever seafood bakar. they have strict protocols concerning seafoods:

We Dont Eat Fish. Fish are Friends!

okay. skang kene pi semayang Jumaat. kalau ade pape aku nak cerita nanti.. aku update lepas semayang Jumaat. heh!

Sipadan Mabul





Tomorrow baybieh!!

TOMORROW!!!! yahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!


3 days of excitement.. well.. i’ll be there for 4 days.. but the last day wont bring much of an excitement would it?


anyone who never learned chemistry wont have the required interests to know what is the meaning of the title above. bukan. ia bukanlah nama pahlawan Yunani zaman marble. eh. but i have to say. as much as it means something. it had intrigued me to upraised a certain type of emotion. feeling nostalgic eh?

gile hape tak? it was the land where we defiled gravity. yes. read again. we never defied. we defiled gravity. it’s the place we bind its nature with our memories. the land where we created our destiny. well.. for us UTPians that is. we really should call ourselves utopians instead of UTPians. tapi kang orang ingat kitorang nih editor majalah utopia pulak kang. so. ok lah.

we went to Perak last Saturday. for a dear friend’s wedding ceremony. the initial plan was to be in Perak by Friday night. and have an overnight in the city of our life. Ipoh. Loitering, creating fusses, and all that during the night. while watching World Cup. err. i know. impossible right? but yeah. if Tom Cruise can manage to wrap up his Mission Impossible. so can we. tak susah. tengok wayang, hit on Ipoh’s girls, reading comics, take pictures, eat at Nasmir behind Jusco KC, while watching World Cup. yep. we did it all in one. tak susah. if you’re a UTPian that is. well.. that was the initial plan.
but the plan changed. coz Faiz have some family matters to attend to. so we postponed our trip to Perak til Saturday morning. and attended CK’s and Sue’s wedding first. biase2 jek ceremony dia. but something went wrong that day. i dont know if the origin of the problem came from our McDonald’s breakfast or CK’s lauk ayam masak merah or the cendol. but deng! cirit birit is the word man. saket gile perut aku. spoiled half the time of my day in Perak. re-visited UTP. started photographing nostalgic scenery. went to the Chancellor’s Complex first. met Ali [ssseeerrraaaappppp] in V1. snapped some awesome poses at Padang UTP. went to the toilet for the 1st time. went to Ipoh. park at Jusco KC. jalan jalan. hit on some Ipoh’s cute girls. heee~. were ignored. tak kisah la. went to toilet again. eat at Nasmir. watched World Cup. went to toilet again. buy movie tickets for the movie ‘the A-team’. went to toilet again. buy a comic. rest while reading comic a bit. toilet. chit chat. took some nice pictures of asses and legs. heeeee. toilet again. went into the movie. halfway through, went to toilet again. demn man! missed the part when they battled missile drones with a parashooting tank. finished movie. toilet. decided to go back to KL that night. it was 2-3am in the morning. stopped at R&R Tapah for some drinks and toilet again. toilet. yes. i know. twice in Tapah. demn! start our journey back from Tapah to Sungai Buloh. 10 kilometres before reaching Sungai Buloh. i battled with my inner mind and my internal organs to hold down this killer assassins within me. drove over 190KM/H on the highway in hope that i could withstood the killing blow. and reached Hospital Sungai Buloh toll plaza in just 5 minutes. heh! toilet at the toll plaza. for more than half an hour. finished with a really really big sigh. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
balik umah. rase penat sangat2 sebab kene gi toilet byk kali. in a day. plus travel jauh. ergh! i fell into slumber almost instantly. if i had set up the alarm earlier when i entered my house. i wouldav sleep that instant i touched my bed. faiz and elfi stayed for the night in my house.
at 11am, Faiz woke me up for internet. i remembered he said something about cant sleep well and he had revisited the toilet for more than 10 times that morning. huh!~ i was so glad i had emptied my bowels the day before. lol. then i fell into the darkness. again. yes. jangan kacau aku nak tidur wei. aku penat gile babeng.
woke back up at 2pm coz Faiz n Elfi wanted to go back home. and they needed me to turn off the alarm. so i did. and they went back home. and i continued my rest in the living room until 5pm. hehe! bangun. mandi-mandi. siap-siap. sat at the living room. zzzzzzzZZzz. yes. slept through what ever left of the evening. woke up feeling the need to eat. went to Hiong Kong for Breakfast+Lunch+Dinner all together. and wallah! felt refreshed again. went back home. spent the night with World Cup.

abis sudah eksplenasi versi pendek. malas ar nak cerita semua. satu per satu. serious panjang kalau cerita satu per satu. malas!

gambar2 menarik amik kat utp nanti aku upload kat facebook. kalau aku rajin.